Your Treatment Plan

Once we have an accurate diagnosis of your problem, a treatment plan that is specific to your needs and your goals is put together by Dr. Schwartz. The treatment plans includes the following.

  1. Specific healing techniques like chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises and some of the other techniques listed on the Passive Therapies, Active Therapies and Taping and Bracing pages of this website.
  2. Written goals that you want to accomplish during your treatment. These are things like: being able to play golf again, being able to sit and stand for longer periods of time without pain and many other examples. Very often, specific movements or exercises are used as one of the goals. For example: a specific number of repetitions of an exercise done without pain. This by the way, is a much more accurate method of judging your progress then relying on pain reduction alone.
  3. Time parameters in which it is expected you will achieve these goals. This includes a certain number of office visits over a given time period. Typically your visits are more frequent at the start of your care and then less frequent as your pain level decreases and you are able to do more activities.

You can see descriptions of the specific healing techniques on the following pages of the website.

Active Therapies

Passive Therapies

The Chiropractic Adjustment

Taping and Bracing