Elbow Problems

How to get good professional care for an elbow problem.

Two situations arise; you are having symptoms around your elbow and you are curious about their cause or you may have already seen a health care professional and been diagnosed with a certain problem. This section will address both situations. We will profile elbow problems in general and specific conditions around the elbow. You will learn how we treat various elbow problems and get a general idea if we can help you. You will also learn some of the situations in which we will not treat you but will refer you to another health care professional. Once you see us for your initial examination we will be able to tell you whether we will be able to help you or if we suggest you see someone else. This depends on whether you will respond to natural methods of care or will need drugs and/or surgery. Sometimes a combination of our natural care and drugs and surgery works, it all depends on what we find on your first examination.

Elbow pain in general

You can have the pain at rest (not moving the elbow) but it is usually worse when you move your elbow. Certain activities like carrying bags, lifting, turning doorknobs, using kitchen or hand tools or typing can make the pain and problem worse. You may also have pain with fitness and sports activities such as weight training, tennis and golf.

In some cases the pain you feel around your elbow has nothing to do with the elbow itself. It actually may be coming from a problem in your neck or shoulder and you are feeling the pain in the elbow. This is called referred pain and is very common. Also it is possible and very common to have two problems (for example neck and elbow) occurring at the same time. All these variations of elbow pain point to the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis. Self or incorrect diagnosis and treatment can prolong your problem or lead to more serious problems.

If you would like to receive a free telephone consultation from Dr. Schwartz about your elbow please click on this link: doctorj2@comcast.net

Other symptoms you may be experiencing around your elbow:

  • Shooting pain around the elbow or in the arm or forearm.
  • Numbness and tingling sensations near the elbow or in the arm or forearm.
  • Swelling can occur around the elbow usually on the back or outside of the elbow.
  • You felt a "pop" when throwing or other activity.
  • You fell with your hand outstretched and you are having elbow pain now.
  • In addition to having elbow pain your are also having pain in other joints like the other elbow, the wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, back or neck.
  • You may be limited in the elbows movement. Straightening or bending the elbow or turning the hand palm up or palm down may be limited.
  • Children:Does the child play sports? And is now having elbow pain.
  • Children: Did you give the child a sharp "come along" tug on the arm, or did the child trip when a parent was holding their hand.

Tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis)

This is a degeneration and inflammation of the tendons that attach to the outside of the elbow. It occurs with repetitive use of the elbow or due to trauma. The pain is worse with movement and use of the elbow. We treat it very effectively with our natural and safe therapies: rest, ice, ultrasound, massage, chiropractic adjustments, electrical stimulation and therapeutic exercise. We refer patients for cortisone injections with very severe or chronic conditions. Surgery is rarely required if natural care measures are taken early on.

For a very in depth explanation of Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) please click this link. Tennis Elbow

If you think you might have any of the other conditions listed below or any other elbow problem and would like more information please call  Dr. Schwartz at (732) 698-7151.

  1. Bicipital tendinitis (distal biceps)
  2. Brachialis strain
  3. Triceps tendinitis (posterior tennis elbow)
  4. Posterior elbow impingement syndrome
  5. Supinator strain
  6. Pronator teres strain
  7. Medial epicondylitis (Golfer's elbow) or (Medial tennis elbow)
  8. Medial ulnar collateral ligament injury
  9. Posterolateral rotatory instability
  10. Little league elbow
  11. Loose bodies
  12. Elbow osteoarthritis
  13. Radial nerve compression
  14. Radial tunnel syndrome
  15. osterior interosseous nerve syndrome
  16. Ulnar nerve compression
  17. Median nerve compression