Shoulder Problems

Shoulder Problems in General

If you are having a shoulder problem you are probably experiencing pain in the shoulder area and sometimes down in the arm. The pain may be present when you lift your arm over your head. Sleeping on the shoulder can also be painful. Sometimes quick movements of the arm cause a sudden sharp pain in the shoulder. Stiffness may be present as well.

Diagnosis of Shoulder Problems

From the doctor's perspective distinguishing shoulder problems from neck problems is important. Why is this? A neck problem (herniated disc for example) can cause pain that appears in the shoulder or the arm thus mimicking a shoulder problem. It is very important to get a thorough examination in this case.

Please click any of the following links to see information about these specific problems.

Treatment Plan for Shoulder Problems

  • Reduce pain and inflammation with rest, ice, nutrition, ultrasound and electrical stimulation.
  • Encourage healing of the injured tissues with deep massage.
  • Increase mobility in the joints of the shoulder with chiropractic adjustments.
  • Increase strength and coordination in the muscles of the shoulder with specific exercises that target the rotator cuff muscles in various directions.

Here are some other shoulder problems. If you have one these you can call or email Dr. Schwartz fro more information

  • Shoulder Joint Instability
  • Shoulder Joint Dislocation
  • Subluxation
  • Glenoid Labrum Tears
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Nerve Entrapments around the Shoulder
  • Throwing Shoulder
  • Swimmers Shoulder
  • Tennis Shoulder
  • Adolescent Shoulder

Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain

The ligaments of the Acromioclavicular joint can be sprained. This occurs commonly from a sports injury, a fall on the shoulder or a fall where you catch yourself on your hands and the force gets transferred to the shoulder. Severe sprains result in a shoulder separation. Dr. Schwartz will x-ray your shoulder if he suspects a shoulder separation. Separated shoulders take quite a while to heal and need extensive rehabilitation.

How we Treat Acromioclavicular Joint Sprains

Rest, Ice and Nutritional Therapies are used to reduce pain and inflammation. With severe sprain and dislocation we use a sling or brace to reduce the strain on your shoulder and allow the injured area to heal.

It is extremely rare that a separated shoulder will have to be treated surgically. This occurs when the collarbone moves excesively out of its normal position. Dr Schwartz will be able to see this during his orthopedic examination and x-ray evaluation. If so he will refer you to a surgeon.